Business Community

Indonesia Paint & Coating Community
Indonesia as an archipelago country has a wide ocean and sea.

So it has to use many ships to transport people and goods.

It also means many coating are needed, to protect all marine equipment and ships from the corrosion.

So in discussing about the corrosion protection issues, this 2021 all stakeholder are gathering in INACOATING virtual conference 2021 held by GEM (Global Expo Management).

Mr. Ir. Gandung Rachma Nur Atman from ASCOATINDO (Indonesia Coating Association), also Mr. Ir. Nugroho Agropuranto form PT PROPAN Raya ICC Marine as national coating manufacturer, and Mr. Ir. Triwibowo, M.Sc from INDOCOR (Indonesia Corrosion Association), and CEO Mr. Tito Loho as Moderator